I can assist you with incorporating formulas into your review paper. Here are the suggested locations along with concise descriptions of the content that should be shown and short captions or explanations for each formula:

  1. Location: Near the end of the “2. Synthesis Challenges of Nanofecu Materials” section.
    Content: Insert a formula showcasing the relationship between synthesis parameters and material properties.
    Caption/Explanation: “Formula 1: The general equation illustrating the influence of synthesis parameters on the material properties of nanofecu materials.”

  2. Location: Towards the conclusion of the “4. Material Properties of Nanofecu Materials” section.
    Content: Include a formula representing the size-dependent properties of nanofecu materials.
    Caption/Explanation: “Formula 2: A mathematical expression demonstrating the size-dependent properties exhibited by nanofecu materials.”

  3. Location: Within the “5. Performance Evaluation of Nanofecu Materials” section, before the evaluation summaries.
    Content: Integrate a formula depicting the performance assessment metrics used for nanofecu materials.
    Caption/Explanation: “Formula 3: A formula representing the performance metrics employed to evaluate nanofecu materials in various applications.”

Please incorporate the suggested formulas into your review paper at the specified locations. Ensure that the formulas seamlessly integrate with the surrounding content and contribute to the overall clarity and depth of the discussions within their respective sections.